Episode 3-Hillsborough

Hillsborough Stadium Disaster, 1989, UK

I remember hearing about several soccer stadium tragedies in the UK back in the 1980’s. I couldn’t really understand how this could happen-the games were portrayed as having violent, drunk soccer fans getting out of control and causing mayhem and death. This sort of thing didn’t happen here in the states at any of our sporting events, so I had trouble understanding it all. Researching this particular disaster taught me a lot. I hope you learn something too.

While I really wanted to provide some photos here on the episode pages, getting permission to use someone else’s picture is either nearly impossible, or costs money. So I will simply direct you elsewhere on the intra-nets and you can investigate further, or not, as you see fit.

Episode Bibliography:

ESPN did a 30 for 30 episode on Hillsborough as well, Season 2, Episode 18.-originally released in 2014.



History Channel documentary, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h27HzcLK314, available on YouTube.  I will warn you, this has eyewitness and survivor accounts.  It is heartbreaking.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kxn00a9Hz0&t=616s Hillsborough Documentary, First Tuesday, ITV

Hillsborough, The Truth by Phil Scraton  this is the man in the ESPN documentary as well.

https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-report-of-the-hillsborough-independent-panel   here is a link to the entire report, if you are so inclined.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIa1lwpmPMs  Interview with Phil Scraton, author of Hillsborough, The Truth.

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